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What if you could pick one day of your life and everything would stop changing? Every day would be similar and comparable to that one day? Would you choose to do this?

I’m sure we can all think of a certain day or time that we would love to freeze or have things always be that way. I feel as if we all crave for things to stop changing at times, we wish that certain things would never change. Change is an uncertainty. We don’t know what life will be like after a change happens. Change can be very scary.

Think of all the experiences, adventures, love, lessons, etc. you have had since that ‘perfect time’ you thought about above. Would you be willing to give that all up? Think of all the new happiness you have had since this specific time. All the new people you have came in counter with. Think of all the better things and times that have happened that you would have never known about. So, now would you be willing to give all of this up to still have your life be frozen in time of that one ‘perfect day’?

Of course, it is not possible to pick a certain time and stop your life from changing. But I do feel it helps us put things into perspective. Life is a journey of ups and downs, it is what we make of them that allows us to move through life is a positive or negative way.

Accept all the things that you can’t change. They led you to being who you are and where you are. We all carry around a certain day or time (or feeling) we wish we could keep forever or go back too. But I think the beauty is that we got to experience that and it has allowed us to grow into the person we are today. It is best to learn to focus all of your energy into building on the new instead of fighting the old.

Some changes happen without our control. But there are some changes we have complete control over! For instance ... healthy eating, exercise, more focus and dedication on your career, more quality family time, etc. When I work with people on these changes they come to realize that growth is painful and change is painful - but in the end nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you aren’t happy or don’t belong! Sometimes change allows us to see a much better option, find who we are, become happy, and grow into a beautiful person. Sometimes, we are so attached to our way of life that we turn down a wonderful opportunity simply because we don’t know what to do with it or we are scared of the change.

So, I challenge you to evaluate your life ...

Have you experienced a change that has left you in a negative space? How can you move through this change and arrive in a positive zone and move forward?

What changes do you want to make and haven’t yet? What is holding you back? Why haven’t you started?

Are you unhappy in any area of your life? What changes do you think you could make to be happy?

“How does one become a butterfly?” she asked. “You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar”

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