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Mental       Coaching 

Life is too short to not live the life you want, live out your dreams, be happy, love yourself, and your life! 

Life ...

Sometimes, we get stuck in the daily pattern of what we think our life is supposed to be. I like to think of the daily pattern as a "safe zone" for people - it is what they think they are supposed to be doing to please a parent, spouse, or to fit in with society. Maybe they think what they are doing is the only possible way to make the money to make ends meet and pay the bills. But is it really? 


Does this sound like you? 


Let's think of other scenarios ... 
The person who can't find time to work out. The person who is so stressed at work they can't relax on the weekends. Depression. Where to begin after the end of a relationship. Life changes. As we know the list can go on and on. The point is there is time to work out, there are ways to not be stressed and enjoy life, there is life to enjoy after a relationship ends. It is how we handle it and move forward with our life from the pivotal moments we stop to question ourself and notice a change needs to be made. 
Are you ready for a postive change in your life? 
Coaching ...
takes you from where you are right now and gets you to where you want to be. We take a whole look at your life and then we coach you on getting you where you want to be. The most important thing is that we are looking at you and your life as a whole - not just one or two pieces. Coaching is very positive moving. It is an amazing process that is very successful and gets you to being you, who you were meant to be, where you want to be, and successfully happy loving your life! 
Are you ready to jump in and make some postive changes to get you where you want to be? 
One beautiful aspect of coaching is creating Visions Boards - I love creating these functional pieces of art. One of the sessions I do with clients is brainstorm on what they want on their boards ... then the beauty is watching these boards become a reality! 
What do you want on your Vision Board? 

Ready to get started? Please visit the "Consulting" page for options or click here to get in contact with me! 

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Tel : 949.338.4368

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