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Fresh Life ...
Health, happiness,  passion, success, live your dreams, & love your life!

Michelle Little

Have you ever sat and thought about all the things you wish you could do, be, etc.? Why aren't you doing those things or being that? What are your dreams, aspirations, desires


A few years ago I had all of these thoughts race through my head in a whirlwind (usually at 3am). I was traveling through life doing what I thought I was "supposed to be doing" but something just didn't feel right or in line with ME

Backtracking ... I went to 4 years of Nursing school, 2 years of Invasive Cardiology Speciality school and worked in a Heart Hospital assisting doctors with angiograms and other heart procedures. I loved helping people and loved saving lives ~ this was (and always will be) a passion and in my soul what I love to do. However, I couldn't grasp how we waited for people to come in with a problem so we could fix it. I didn't like prescribing pills to put a "bandaid" on their health issues when I felt we could educate more on improving their health and quality of life so they didn't need heart surgery in the first place (or become a repeat patient). I'm all about preventative care! So, I said my farewells and moved on in the quest to find this passion lying deep inside me! I dabbled in sales and management while I completed a 2 year school in mental life coaching. I did endless research and found one of my puzzle pieces to my life - coaching! I could help people pursue their dreams, find their passion, find a career they love, get healthy, get out of their doom and gloom and find their love for life again, I could help people out of a depressed life and find who they really were, I could take people from where they were and get them to where they wanted to be! Amazing! I started my own practice and pursued this passion and love every minute of it! 


Fast forward to now ... My husband and I got married in 2010 in Costa Rica. We have two amazing gorgeous boys (Sawyer 3 years old and Skyler 10 months). I'm living the life I dreamed! I was able to sort through all of the craziness running through my mind and create the life I have always wanted! I got all the right "tools" to position myself in my life dreams to make them a reality. We just purchased an amazing home and will start building it in a few short weeks. So, my quest is to help everyone I can find the right "tools" to get the life they want and love the life they live! It is possible! 




The idea of a Fresh Life comes from the feeling you get when you breath in fresh air, jump into a fresh body of water, bite a fresh crisp apple, etc. You get the idea! Our Fresh Life is ... eating fresh organic foods, getting fresh air to exercise and cleanse the soul, using fresh products for our home, and creating a positive healthy lifestyle for our family! A Fresh Life feels amazing! I truly believe that at the end of the night, before you close your eyes, you should be content with what you've done and be proud of who you are! 











Michelle Little

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